The 340B Drug Pricing Program is a US Federal program created in 1992 that requires drug manufacturers to provide outpatient drugs to eligible health care organizations and covered entities at significantly reduced prices. If you organization has 340B drugs you can manage those in Nightingale Notes. Instructions can be downloaded here:
- Set up your medications in Nightingale Notes in the Supplies tab.
- Add your medication charges while in the Rates tab.
- Add in your lot numbers and on hand amounts
- Note: If you are maintaining an inventory of 340B medications as well as non 340B medications with a different rate you will want to label your Supply medication with a way to distinguish the difference in the name. For instance, 340B – Advil and Advil. You can use whatever naming process is convenient to your agency. This will allow you to bill properly and run inventory.
- Contact Support to see if there are existing pathways you can use to document your client care
- Build pathways that include your medications as guides. This allows you to check off a box to indicate which medication was dispensed. Make a note in the notepad to indicate which number of pills given based on the prescription. (i.e., Bottle 2 out of 5 bottles)
- I would use a pre-fix in front of all medications you add as a guide for 340B. That will allow you to use the prefix 340B: as a filter contains (i.e. 340B: Nora BE (30 pills)) to pull one report for all of your 340B inventory of medications given.
- Contact Support about transferring Reports that might be available.
- Create a 340B Inventory Report using the Report screen: Supply Rate Lot Info
- Create a 340B Medications distributed report using a report screen: Intervention Info with a filter of Intervention contains 340B: